It begins with the sound of water, trickling softly, tumbling down into the pool. Suddenly it is swallowed up by something bigger, pulling it back as it returns to it's hole. It is climbing up in that way where you pull up a lot, then fall back a little, pull up, fall back, slowly making pace. Slowly reaching it's destination. As it gets to the top it begins to slow down. Somehow, in its slow state, it gains momentum. With a surge of energy pulls itself far up, almost to it's goal. New sounds emanate from the being as it comes up farther and farther.
"Plink, plunk, plop" it yells out in frustration as it falls back away, still not quite reaching it's goal, "Plink, plop, plop, plunk!" It gets louder and louder. You can hear the anger in its voice as it struggles to make it to its goal. Harder and harder it works, and still it can not make it. The low grumble turns into a growl as its anger shows. Louder and louder it screams. The rage of mother nature burns as it still almost touches the point. Will it ever make it to its destination?
One more surge of energy. One more breath. One more plea and it is there. It is over.
To hear the sound click here.
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