Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Oooh
Harry Potter, from the Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling, is my favorite fictional hero. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, he continuously fights for the freedom of everyone in the Magical World. From the moment Voldemort killed his parents, Harry was left with the mark of being the chosen one, leaving him to either kill Voldemort, or die himself.
Most people would go into hiding, afraid of death. But Harry, only a teenager, takes the challenge head on and with the help of his friends and teachers is able to start learning how to defeat his opponent.
Reading the books, you really get into his character as the Author describes how he feels at almost every moment. You would never think about how people, warriors, or people in the army, feel as they have almost no choice but to fight in battle. This series really got me thinking about it all, and I'm sure other people too. And not only that, but the feelings he feels are so real. He's an actual person, just like you and I. He feels all the usual teenage things, the stress of school, first love, and has to deal with real life issues. But he also has the stress of being the only one able to rid everyone in the magical and non-magical world of the war thrust upon them. The relation of emotions to him is what makes it very interesting to me, not to mention the similarities between their war, and World War II.
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